Small Groups

Small Groups

TBC is a large Christian family, discovering together what it means to love God and follow Jesus in everyday life.

Our small groups run throughout the week and aim to help their members grow in their: Our big Sunday meetings are great (we like to think) but to really grow as Christians we need more than large-scale public worship: we need to be part of a smaller group of committed friends who will watch out for us, pray for us and help us know and follow Jesus better. That’s why we run small groups!

Our small groups run throughout the week and aim to help their members grow in their:

  • Love for God – learning together what it means to grow in God’s love, to receive his grace and love and to walk in his presence every day.
  • Love for one another – serving one another, praying for one another, caring for one another, encouraging one another and teaching one another.
  • Love for the world – supporting one another in our attempts to share God’s love in word and deed in our everyday lives.

There are several different types of small group at TBC that fulfill these functions for their members, but two of the main ones are:

Midweek small groups – groups of between 6-15 people, who meet on different days, some weekly, some fortnightly; some meeting in homes, some at the church centre. Each group is different, but most would spend time sharing about their lives, praying for one another, studying the Bible together and offering support in various ways as needed.

Fellowship bands – these are smaller groups of just 3-4 people, who arrange to meet at least once a month to support one another’s spiritual growth. They follow a simple ‘way of life’, which keeps a focus on four basic aspects of Christian discipleship (growing in God’s love; using spiritual disciplines; sharing in fellowship; being an everyday missionary).


To find out more about small groups at TBC contact Peter Hunter or any of the church leaders.

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