Foodbank 2024


Thornbury Food Bank is based at Thornbury Baptist Church and welcomes donations of food or monetary funds to support those in need in the local area who are referred to us by various agencies. Due to the generosity of our donors both financially and of food, we are able to help those in need where other Foodbanks are unable to do so.

We use all donations to provide support for those who are eligible under the discretionary guidance of Thornbury Baptist Church.

We are open to clients coming in to Foodbank with a pre-arranged appointment between 1.30 and 3.30pm every Friday. We will, exceptionally, deliver to anyone who has a valid reason for not coming in to Foodbank.

Vouchers continue to be issued electronically by our Voucher Partners and sent to us here at the Baptist Church. Anyone needing a voucher can contact the organisations listed alongside this notice.

Vouchers also continue to be available from:

  • Citizens Advice
  • Local Schools
  • Local Doctors surgeries
  • New Start Debt Advice
  • Health Visitors
  • Midwives

For further information contact:

If you are not sure who to contact or this is the first time you have needed a voucher for Foodbank please contact:

CAB Hotline: 0808 2082138


Southern Brookes Partnership:
07773 209943


South Glos Shielding Team:
01454 864040

Jan 2024

Stock is running low on the following items. Items in bold are in short supply

  • Noodles
  • Instant meals
  • Sponge puddings
  • Jelly
  • Angel delight
  • Tins of hot and cold meat
  • Adult toothbrushes
  • Washing up liquid
  • Feminine towels
  • UHT milk
  • Fruit Juice
  • Coffee
  • Male and female deodorant
  • Laundry tablets
  • Loo rolls

Please make sure all items are in date and unopened.

You can donate any of these items by putting them in the Thornbury FOODBANK crate in Tesco (behind the tills), or left on the church steps on Wednesdays morning between 9.00 and 11.00am.

All other questions to

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